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GoodRelations - The Web Vocabulary for E-Commerce

This is the archive of the goodrelations dicussion list

GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can (1) be embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and that (2) can be processed by other computers. This increases the visibility of your products and services in the latest generation of search engines, recommender systems, and other novel applications.

[goodrelations] Feedback GoodRelations usage for web shop and recommender systems

Manuel Blechschmidt blechschmidt at apaxo.de
Tue May 3 13:30:56 CEST 2011

I submitted yesterday my master thesis about recommendations systems. In this thesis I used concepts from GoodRelations a lot and wanted to share my experience.

First I want to thank Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp for such a great ontology. It reflects nearly all the things that are needed to describe a huge product base and it shows that he has a lot of experiences in ecommerce. It is usable in real world cases. I know that there is some criticism about the complexity of GoodRelations. Actually I was involved in the development of huge online stores with more then 3000 orders a day, multi lingual currency and language, and more then 30 000 products. From this experience I can tell that the data model from GoodRelations is still quite simple and such a complex ontology is necessary to describe data sets of bigger companies.
Feel free to ignore parts of the feedback or to ask questions about certain things.

During my thesis I maintained a small online store for chocolate (see screenshot). The backend of the online store was a Java EE 6 system with a relational MySQL database and the entities were modeled according to the GoodRelations ontology (See attached UML class diagram). So basically I made a mapping of all the things that I needed to UML and then to Java. It was not a 1-to-1 mapping.
I tried some OWL-to-XMI solutions (http://owl2xmi.sourceforge.net/) but I did not succeed. So I made it manually.

I was able to map the whole catalog to the GoodRelations but some smaller things were missing, that I added to my own version:

1. It was not possible to associate a DeliveryMethod or a PaymentMethod directly with the BusinessEntity
2. There was no Order class and no LineItem class

I also didn't found an alignment between the gr:BusinessEntity and the foaf:Organization classes.

Further for recommendation I need more then just a owns attribute for an agent something like, viewed, bought, owns, purchased and so on. (http://apml.areyoupayingattention.com/)

Hope this helps and I hope that this mailing list is the correct place to submit some feedback.

Have a great week

Manuel Blechschmidt
Crailsheimer Str. 10
12247 Berlin
Mobil: 0173/6322621
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Manuel_B

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