This page presents a set of selected queries for BauDataWeb, the European building and construction materials database for the Semantic Web. To learn more about the project and the individuals who contributed to this project please visit the project landing page at
All of the subsequent queries can be executed against the public SPARQL endpoints available at and
a) Search for building materials that span more than one FreeClass category, i.e. all products subsumed by the FreeClass code "16000000".
The SPARQL query implements transitive closure using a custom Virtuoso Open Source extension. By comparison, similar results would be achieved with the property path feature provided by SPARQL 1.1, as currently commented out in the query. Finally, as a last alternative, reasoning using RDFS-entailment rules could be enabled.
b) Query materials and offers that meet specific criteria, i.e. constraints on properties and attributes.
c) Federated query that combines the BauDataWeb dataset with data from DBPedia.
The following query selects offers for plan clay blocks (FreeClass code "12201010") with a strength of 38. We use query federation to gather additional geo-positional information from DBPedia. The places from DBPedia serve to augment the BauDataWeb dataset by details about interesting places in the neighborhood of the warehouse locations where the building and construction material can be purchased from. The adjacent places are selected based on geo coordinates within a predefined threshold.
d) Search for plan clay blocks (FreeClass code "12201010") with a strength of 38 centimeters. This query is the one provided on the project landing page, with some variable renaming taken effect.