Warning: This tool or project is no longer maintained and kept available only for archival purposes. Since GoodRelations and schema.org have evolved significantly in the past years, the current status available on this page is unlikely to function as expected. We take no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of this outdated work, to the extent legally possible.

Due to a lack of resources, we are unable to provide support for this project outside of consulting projects or sponsored research. Please contact us if you can contribute resources to update and enhance these resources.

GoodRelations RDF2DataRSS Converter

What is it?

This tool converts RDF/XML or N3 content into DataRSS feeds as accepted by Yahoo SearchMonkey. The tool can be used to feed GoodRelations-based e-commerce descriptions into the Yahoo family of technology.

Hint: Use the GoodRelations Annotator tool to describe your business.



Form-based Web Access


Convert the RDF/XML or N3 file available at a given URI to DataRSS

Please specify the URI of the file to be converted:


Select the format of the data source:


By using this service, I grant the E-Business and Web Science Research Group the right to store and analyze your input for research purposes. 

Check if you don't agree!

Upload an RDF/XML or N3 file for conversion to DataRSS

Please specify the local file to be converted:


Select the format of the data source:


By using this service, I grant the E-Business and Web Science Research Group the right to store and analyze your input for research purposes. 

Check if you don't agree!

Convert the RDF/XML or N3 content to DataRSS

Paste an RDF/XML or N3 document into the text field below:


Select the format of the data source:


By using this service, I grant the E-Business and Web Science Research Group the right to store and analyze your input for research purposes. 

Check if you don't agree!



Web Service

The RDF2DataRSS tool can also be directly accessed from applications in a REST style by sending an HTTP GET request to the URI




with being the URI of a file to be converted and TYPE the format of the data source (either xml for RDF/XML or n3 for N3 format), e. g.


for RDF/XML: http://www.ebusiness-unibw.org/tools/rdf2datarss/RDF2DataRSSServlet?type=xml&uri=http://www.host.com/rdffile.rdf
for N3: http://www.ebusiness-unibw.org/tools/rdf2datarss/RDF2DataRSSServlet?type=n3&uri=http://www.host.com/n3file.n3


This returns an XML file containing the RDF content as DataRSS.


Hint: set an additional parameter "save" with the value "0" (i. e. &save=0) if you don't want the output code to be stored on server for research and analyzing purpose.




The source code of this application will be shortly made available under an LPGL license. Please e-mail to tools@ebusiness-unibw.org if you need it right now.