Warning: This tool or project is no longer maintained and kept available only for archival purposes. Since GoodRelations and schema.org have evolved significantly in the past years, the current status available on this page is unlikely to function as expected. We take no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of this outdated work, to the extent legally possible.

Due to a lack of resources, we are unable to provide support for this project outside of consulting projects or sponsored research. Please contact us if you can contribute resources to update and enhance these resources.
  • 1 - Start
  • 2 - Loading
  • 3 - User Input
  • 4 - Modeling Choices
  • 5 - Diagnosis
  • 6 - Generating Ontology

This tool generates the corresponding OWL file from a SKOS file by applying the generic/taxonomic approach.

You can either specify the URL of an online SKOS document or upload a local SKOS file using the form below.

Specify Input *

File Type:
File Name:

I grant the E-Business & Web Science Research Group at Bundeswehr University Munich the right to store all user input and uploaded SKOS data for research purposes.

*Note: The file you upload must be a valid SKOS specification. In particular, it must contain skos:Concept elements.
If you experience problems with SKOS2OWL, you should first check whether the file you provide is a valid SKOS specification,
e.g. using the W3C SKOS Validation Service at http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/validation.