
Vorlesung: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik / Lecture: Introduction to Business Information Systems

Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany, HT 2011

Course Web Page: (last year's page:
Important:Please subscribe to our mailing list "teaching"; we will use this to notify you of important updates.

General Information

  • Lecture: Mondays, 11:30 - 13:00,  room 36/0231
  • Tutorial:Tuesdays, room 33/1201
    • Group 1: 11:30 - 12:15
    • Group 2: 12:20 - 13:05
    • Group 3: 14:00 - 14:45
    • Note 1: The tutorials are 45 minutes each. The directory of courses lists them as 90 minutes, though.
    • Note 2: The other tutorials on Thursdays have been cancelled, because all students can be accommodated with the remaining slots.
  • Last lecture: 19.12.2011, 036/0221 ("Physikhörsaal"), 15:45 !!!!!!!


  • Part (40 points) of the joint exam "Einführung Wirtschaftswissenschaften" (24429), 120 minutes
  • The date for the exam will be determined by the Office of Academic Affairs (Prüfungsamt).

As for relevant contents: Relevant are all materials covered in class or in the reading assignment. In particular, prepare for the following topics:
1. All questions from the tutorial.

2. Programming in Python:Python will be a substantial part of the exam. We will present complete programs or code snippets, and you will have to decide what will happen when you start the respective program. Options may include

a) various alternative screen outputs,

b) the option "Something else, but not an error" and

c) the option "An error message".

So you will need to understand exactly what the respective program is doing. We will not go beyond the language subset that was covered in class, but we expect that you really understand this subset. Guessing will not help in this part of the exam!


Learning Goals

This class will explain the use of computer technology for business purposes. Students will learn how IT and the organizational perspective on enterprises mutually influence each other, and how this can be exploited for more efficient business operations. Also, the foundations of computer hardware, software engineering, and typical business applications will be introduced. Eventually, students will learn to use computer technology effectively and efficiently for business purposes. They will understand the transformation of the business world currently in progress and be well prepared for a career in today's dynamic and global economy.




  1. Hansen/Neumann: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1. Grundlagen und Anwendungen, 9. Auflage, Lucius & Lucius/UTB
  2. Hansen/Neumann: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2. Informationstechnik, 9. Auflage, Lucius & Lucius/UTB
  3. Mertens/Bodendorf/König/Picot/Schumann/Hess: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 9. Auflage, Springer 2005
    *This book is available as an e-book on campus: <>
    *English edition: Wigand/Mertens/Bodendorf/König/Picot/Schumann: Introduction to Business Information Systems, Springer, 2003 (Page numbers may vary!).


  1. Lutz J. Heinrich: Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftsdisziplin, online version available from

Programming in Python (We use Python 2.x, instead of 3.x!)

Running Python on Windows** **

We propose the following approach to run Python on windows:

  • Download & install Python 2.6
  • run Python\Lib\idlelib\idle.bat
  • (Python-Console loads with Menu Bar)
  • File => New Window
  • put your Python Code in the new windows
  • press F5 (= Menü "Run" => "Run Module")
  • provide a name to save the file
  • your script run in the first windows (Console)

If that fails, you can use IDLE on WTS

Windows-Terminal-Server of UniBW: => IDLE (Python GUI) 

Lecture: Schedule and Materials

This page will be completed soon. In the meantime, you can check out the GWI-HT2010 page.
WI1 = Hansen/Neumann: Wirtschaftsinformatik 1; WI2 = Hansen/Neumann: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2; IBIS = Wigand et al: Introduction to Business Information Systems.

Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Data Representation

  • Mandatory Reading: Mandatory Reading: IBIS, pp. 53-64 (page numbers refer to the German online edition!)
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises: PDF, 1 page

Unit 3: Data Processing

Unit 4: Introduction to Python (1)

Unit 5: Introduction to Python (2)

Unit 6: Computer Hardware

  • Mandatory Reading: IBIS pp. 13-19. (German edition)
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises: PDF, 1 page
  • Additional References:
    • WI1, pp. 21-60; WI2, pp. 6-91
    • WI2, pp. 213-300
    • WI2, pp. 93-211, 387-515; IBIS, pp. 55-78
    • Wikipedia page on IBM 650
  • Example of how a bitmap font works:
    *Python program

Unit 7: Computer Hardware (2)

Unit 8: Computer Software and Software Engineering

  • Mandatory Reading: IBIS, pp. 62-64, pp. 153-178 (German edition)
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises:   See second half of PDF, 1 page
  • Additional References:
    *Balzert, H., Lehrbuch der Software-Technik, Bd. 1: Software-Entwicklung, 2. Aufl., Heidelberg 2000.
    • Thome, R. / Hufgard, A.: Continuous System Engineering: Entdeckung der Standardsoftware als Organisator, Würzburg, 1996.

Unit 9: Modeling and Information Systems

  • Mandatory Reading: IBIS, pp. 62-64, pp. 153-178 (German edition)
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises: See Unit 8 + PDF, 1 page
  • Additional References:
    • Balzert, H., Lehrbuch der Software-Technik, Bd. 1: Software-Entwicklung, 2. Aufl., Heidelberg 2000.
    • Thome, R. / Hufgard, A.: Continuous System Engineering: Entdeckung der Standardsoftware als Organisator, Würzburg, 1996.

Unit 10: Software Engineering

  • Mandatory Reading: Balzert, H., Lehrbuch der Software-Technik, Bd. 1: Software-Entwicklung, 2. Aufl., Heidelberg 2000.
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises:
  • Additional References:
    • Thome, R. / Hufgard, A.: Continuous System Engineering: Entdeckung der Standardsoftware als Organisator, Würzburg, 1996.

Unit 11: Business Applications

  • Mandatory Reading:  IBIS, pp. 83-110, pp. 140-146 (German edition)
  • Slides as PDF: PDF, one slide per page (requires username and password given in class)
  • Tutorial / Exercises: PDF, 1 page
  • Additional References: Taylor, Frederick Winslow: The Principles of Scientific Management. (Reprint 2006). Aufl., The Echo Library, Middlesex, UK 1911.


This section may contain materials for the tutorial complementing the lecture.

  • 2011-10-11 - Please use the lecture slides.
  • 2011-10-18 - Please use the lecture slides.
  • 2011-10-25 - Please use the lecture slides.
  • 2011-11-01 - Public holiday. (Fällt aus!)
    *Findet am 03.11.2011 (Do) statt!
  • 2011-11-15 - Please use the lecture slides & tutorial
    *Bitte Laptops mitnehmen!
    *Codebespiele finden Sie unter diesem Link. (Neu! Mit ergänzten Kommentaren)
    • Hausaufgabe "Telefongebühren" bitte an die Adresse laszlo (punkt) toeroek (at) unibw (punkt) de, bis nächste Woche Dienstag!!!
    • NEU! "Telefongebühren" Musterlösung.
  • 2011-11-22 - Please use the lecture slides.
  • 2011-11-29 - Nachholtermin für die ausgefallene Vorlesung!! 11:30 - 13:00
    *Übung Gruppe I. (11:30 - 12:15) findet am Donnerstag (1.12.2011) ab 9:45, Raum 033/1301
    • Übung Gruppe II. (12:20 - 13:05) findet am Donnerstag (1.12.2011) ab 10:35, Raum 033/1301
  • 2011-12-05 - Please use the lecture slides.
  • 2011-12-13 - Please use the lecture slides and the question catalogue.
  • 2011-12-20 - Please use the lecture slides and the question catalogue.

Video Recordings

In this section, you will find video recordings of our lectures. Access to the videos requires a username & password, as given in class.