Informationsmanagement in integrierten Wertschöpfungsketten
Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp
Universität der Bundeswehr München, FT 2010
This is the Web page for the FT2010 lecture "Information Management for Integrated Value Chains (IMW)" at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. The lecture is relevant for the Master's degree program in WOW.
2010-06-10:The optional exam review unit on July 5, 2010, 5.00 - 6.30 p.m. will be in building 33, room 1101.
2010-05-25:There will be an optional exam review unit on July 5, 2010, 5.00 - 6.30 p.m. The classroom for this unit will be announced shortly.
2010-05-14: All slides and assignment sheets are available.
2010-04-24: FT 2010 Web page completed and slide decks for units 1 and 2 published.
There will be one joint exam covering the five lectures constituting module MWW II: Information and Knowledge Management for Value Chains ("MMW II: Informations- und Wissensmanagement für Wertschöpfungsketten").
Please register for the exam via the Office of Academic Affairs (Prüfungsamt).
The date for the exam will be determined by the Office of Academic Affairs.
Learning Goals
In this course, students will acquire the foundations of exchanging digital information between multiple partners in value chains. A particular focus is on product-related master and transaction data in integrated product design and retail processses, e.g. product feature master data or catalog data exchange.
- Unit 1: Overview
- Unit 2: Foundations of Data Interchange: Codesets, Structured Data, Delimiter-separated Data, Mark-up, XML
- Unit 3: Identifiers for Business Objects and Respective Standards
- Unit 4: Classification Systems for Business Objects and Respective Standards
- Unit 5: Standards for Business Documents
- Unit 6: Data Quality
- Lecture:Mondays, 11:30 - 13:00, building 33, room 2301
- Unit 1: April 12, 2010
- Unit 2: April 19, 2010
- Unit 3: April 26, 2010
- Unit 4: May 3, 2010
- Unit 5: May 10, 2010
- Unit 6: May 17, 2010
- Tutorial and Exercises:
- There is no official tutorial for this lecture, but we provide exercises and / review questions.
- There will be an optional exam review unit on July 5, 2010, 5.00 - 6.30 p.m.The classroom for this unit will be announced shortly.
- Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp
Books and Papers
- Stonebraker, Michael; Hellerstein, Joseph M.: Content Integration for E-Business. ACM SIGMOD 2001. Santa Barbara (CA), USA 2001, pp. 552-560.
- Hepp, Martin: XML-Spezifikationen und Klassifikationsstandards für den Datenaustausch, in: Thome, R.; Schinzer, H.; Hepp, M. (eds.): Electronic Commerce und Electronic Business. Mehrwert durch Integration und Automation, 3rd edition, Vahlen, München 2005, pp. 191-216.
- Thome, Rainer; Schinzer, Heiko; Hepp, Martin: Electronic Commerce: Ertragsorientierte Integration und Automatisierung, in: Thome, R.; Schinzer, H.; Hepp, M. (eds.): Electronic Commerce und Electronic Business. Mehrwert durch Integration und Automation, 3rd edition, Vahlen, München 2005, pp.1-28.
- Weitzel, Tim et al.: Electronic Business und EDI mit XML. dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg 2001.
PROZEUS Brochures (very much recommended)
Links and Other Resources
to be added as needed
Lecture: Schedule and Materials
Unit 1: Overview
- Functions of Enterprises in Markets
- Business Integration and Coordination Costs
- Requirements for Automated Data Processing
Slides as PDF: PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment: Stonebraker, Michael; Hellerstein, Joseph M.: Content Integration for E-Business. ACM SIGMOD 2001. Santa Barbara (CA), USA 2001, pp. 552-560.
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)
Additional reading
Unit 2: Foundations of Data Interchange
- Codesets
- Structured Data
- Delimiter-separated Data, CSV
- Mark-up, XML
Slides as PDF:PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment:
- Hepp, Martin: XML-Spezifikationen und Klassifikationsstandards für den Datenaustausch, in: Thome, R.; Schinzer, H.; Hepp, M. (eds.): Electronic Commerce und Electronic Business. Mehrwert durch Integration und Automation, 3rd edition, Vahlen, München 2005, pp. 191-216.
- Stuart Madnick: The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML will and will NOT do to help Information Integration, MIT Sloan Working Paper No. 4185-01; CISL Working Paper No. 01-08, October 2001.
Additional reading
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)
Tools and Resources
Unit 3: Identifiers for Business Objects
- Identifying Business Objects
- Types and Characteristics of Identifiers
- Applications
- Important Identification Standards for E-Business
Slides as PDF: PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment
Additional reading:None
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)
Unit 4: Classification Systems for Business Objects
- Foundations of Classification
- Knowledge Organization Systems
- Classification Standards for E-Business
Slides as PDF: PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment:
Additional reading
- Hepp, Martin; de Bruijn, Jos: GenTax: A Generic Methodology for Deriving OWL and RDF-S Ontologies from Hierarchical Classifications, Thesauri, and Inconsistent Taxonomies, Proceedings of the 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), June 3-7, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer LNCS, Vol. 4519, pp. 129-144, 2007.
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)
Unit 5: Standards for Business Documents and Business Transactions
- Foundations
- Problems and Potential of Standardization in the Field of Business Documents
- Examples and Use Cases
Slides as PDF: PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment:
Additional reading
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)
Unit 6: Data Quality
- Typical Quality Problems in Data
- Business Impact of Data Quality Issues
- Techniques for Handling Data Quality Issues
- Data Quality Costs and Benefits
Slides as PDF:PDF (1 slide per page) requires password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to
Reading assignment:
Additional reading
- Erhard Rahm and Hong Hai Do (2000): Data Cleaning: Problems and Current Approaches, IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 23(4): 3-13 (2000)
- G. Navarro (2001): A Guided Tour to Approximate String Matching, ACM Computing Surveys, 33 (1): pp. 31–88.
- Wikipedia: ISO 8000,
- Wand, Y. and Wang, R. (1996): Anchoring Data Quality Dimensions in Ontological Foundations, Communications of the ACM, November 1996. pp. 86–95.
- Wang, R., Kon, H. & Madnick, S. (1993): Data Quality Requirements Analysis and Modelling, Ninth International Conference of Data Engineering, Vienna, Austria.
Review Questions: Assignment sheet (PDF)