Einführung in die Modellierung (Data and Process Modeling) - WT 2011/2012
Guest lecture at the University of Innsbruck, 437244 VO
Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp
Note: The contents of the old page at http://www.heppnetz.de/teaching/dpm/ are now available here: http://www.heppnetz.de/teaching/dpm-old/
- Do 12.01. 09.00-13.00 - 3W03
- Do 19.01. 09.00-15:00 - 3W04
- Do 26.01. 09.00-15:00 - 3W04
- Do 02.02. 09.00-15:00 - 3W03
- Date: 08.02.2012
- Time: 10:00-12:00
- Room: 3W03
Slides as PDF
Note: Access to the slides requires a password & username (given in class; if you need it, e-mail to mheppATcomputer.org)
Modeling Exercises
Review Questions
- Create an ER model for managing music, e.g. a library of MP3 files. Mind the different roles of the very same artist!
- Create an ER model for the representation of bills of materials (BoM, "Stücklisten") (see slides for more details)
- Create an ER model for the representation of tickets for events. Expand this to a system for the representation of tickets for points of interest (e.g. museums) and transportation services (e.g. subway).
- Create an ER model for the representation of Airline flight plan & seat management
- Create an ER model for the representation of student evaluations for instructors at universities or schools.
- Convert examples from the previous units from ERM notation to UML class diagrams.
- Why is it often wrong to model the current state of affairs in a business, as far as processes and data structures are concerned?
- Explain how the massive economies of scale for distributing software limit the economic feasibility of individual software development.
- Explain how Business Process Reenineering repeats Taylor's mistake of ignoring change as a constraint on the economic feasibility of searching for individual process optimizations in a dynamic environment.
- Model a business process of your choice as both a basic flow chart and an EPC diagram.
- [CiWi2005] Cimsion, Graeme C.; Witt, Graham C.: Data Modeling Essentials. 3rd. Aufl., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Amsterdam etc. 2005.
- [KrOB2007] Krogstie, John et al. (Hrsg.): Conceptual Modeling in Information Systems Engineering. Springer, Berlin etc. 2007.
- [Oliv2007] Olivé, Antoni: Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems. Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg 2007.
- [Diet2006] Dietz, Jan L. G.: Enterprise Ontology. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2006.
- [DuAH2005] Dumas, Marlon et al. (Hrsg.): Process-Aware Information Systems. John Wileay & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2005.
- [GrRo2005] Green, Peter; Rosemann, Michael (Hrsg.): Business Systems Analysis with Ontologies. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA 2005.
- [Guar1998] Guarino, Nicola (Hrsg.): Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press, Amsterdam 1998.
- [HeLM2007] Hepp, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Ontology Management. Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications. Springer, New Work 2007.
- [JaBu1996] Jablonski, Stefan; Bussler, Christoph: Workflow Management. Modeling Concepts, Architecture and Implementation. International Thomson Computer Press, London etc. 1996.
- [PaSZ2006] Parent, Christine et al.: Conceptual Modeling for Traditional and Spatio-Temporal Application. Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg 2006.
- [StSt2004] Staab, Steffen; Studer, Rudi (Hrsg.): Handbook on Ontologies. Springer, Berlin etc. 2004.
- [Thal2000] Thalheim, Bernhard: Entity-Relationship Modeling. Springer, Berlin etc. 2000.
- [GrRo2005] Green, Peter; Rosemann, Michael (Hrsg.): Business Systems Analysis with Ontologies. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA 2005.
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