This is the Web page of the lecture Web Technologies, given by Martin Hepp at the Universität der Bundeswehr München in the WT 2012 term.
Lecture:Prof. Dr. Martin Hepp, Mondays 11.30 AM - 1 PM, 043-0108/1.2
Tutorial:Dipl. -Kfm. Uwe Stoll, Tuesdays 16.45 - 17.30 PM, 033-0131, starting on 01/17/12
Special Tutorial: Monday, 02/06/12, 11.30 AM - 1 PM, 043-0108/1.2
Special Lecture: Tuesday, 02/14/12, 15 PM - 16.30 PM, 36-1134
Exam: 5th April, 8:30-9:30 AM, 043/0125-5
Wiki page of last year's lecture
Additional Slide: "Precision & Recall"
Introduction to Python (convert to .py)
External: Python 101