GRValidator Implemented E14

Error 14

E14: Check that all PriceSpecifications have a currency value or currency interval attached

Validator Tool: Step # 23

Error Message

All price specifications must specify a currency value, a minimun currency value or a macimun currency value.

Potential Problem

One offering can specify more than one price specification. Care must be taken that all price specifications inlcude a currency value, it can be a fix value by means of gr:hasCurrencyValue or a range by means of gr:hasMinCurrencyValue and/or gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue, otherwise offer will have no price attached.

Examples of Wrong Data

@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix toy: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:imports <> ,
        <> .
<> rdf:type gr:Offering .
<> rdf:type gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
    gr:hasCurrency "COP"^^<> ;
    gr:hasCurrencyValue "550.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:PaymentChargeSpecification ;
    gr:hasCurrency "COP"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification ;
    gr:hasMinCurrencyValue "100.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .


PREFIX gr:<>

SELECT ?object
 { #UnitPriceSpecification
    ?object a gr:UnitPriceSpecification .
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasCurrencyValue ?value . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max . }
    FILTER ( !bound(?value) &&  !bound(?min) && !bound(?max) )
  } UNION { #PaymentChargeSpecification
    ?object a gr:PaymentChargeSpecification .
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasCurrencyValue ?value . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max . }
    FILTER ( !bound(?value) &&  !bound(?min) && !bound(?max) )
  } UNION { #DeliveryChargeSpecification
    ?object a gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification .
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasCurrencyValue ?value . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min . }
    OPTIONAL { ?object gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max . }
    FILTER ( !bound(?value) &&  !bound(?min) && !bound(?max) )