GRValidator Implemented E16

Error 16

E16: Check that certain properties should be used only once for the same object (i.e. the max. cardinality is 1). However, this is not formally specified in the ontology --> Object properties

Validator Tool: Step # 28

Error Message

Cardinalities must follow the specification of GoodRelations Ontology.

Potential Problem

Care must be taken that cardinalities in object properties (from a class to a class) follow the prime suggestions.

Examples of Wrong Data

No gr:hasBusinessFunction is included (According to the GR prime: hasBusinessFunction (1..*), at least one should be specified, validation # 7 in the SPARQL section)

@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix toy: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:imports <> ,
        <> .
<> rdf:type gr:Offering .
<> rdf:type gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
    gr:hasCurrency "COP"^^<> ;
    gr:hasCurrencyValue "550.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
    gr:hasCurrency "COP"^^<> ;
    gr:hasCurrencyValue "450.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification ;
    gr:hasMinCurrencyValue "100.0"^^<> ;
    gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue "400.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .


PREFIX gr:<>

SELECT ?object
# 3. appliesToPaymentMethod (1..*), count >= 1 is OK, check count < 1
    ?object a gr:PaymentChargeSpecification .
    FILTER (1 > (
      SELECT count(?appliesToPaymentMethod)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:appliesToPaymentMethod ?appliesToPaymentMethod
# 7. hasBusinessFunction (1..*), count >= 1 is OK, check count < 1
    ?object a gr:Offering .
    FILTER (1 > (
      SELECT count(?hasBusinessFunction)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasBusinessFunction ?hasBusinessFunction
# 8. hasEligibleQuantity (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:PriceSpecification .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasEligibleQuantity)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasEligibleQuantity ?hasEligibleQuantity
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasEligibleQuantity)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasEligibleQuantity ?hasEligibleQuantity
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:PaymentChargeSpecification .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasEligibleQuantity)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasEligibleQuantity ?hasEligibleQuantity
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:UnitPriceSpecification .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasEligibleQuantity)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasEligibleQuantity ?hasEligibleQuantity
# 9. hasInventoryLevel (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasInventoryLevel)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasInventoryLevel ?hasInventoryLevel
# 10. hasMakeAndModel (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasMakeAndModel)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasMakeAndModel ?hasMakeAndModel
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasMakeAndModel)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasMakeAndModel ?hasMakeAndModel
# 11. hasManufacturer (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:ProductOrService .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasManufacturer)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasManufacturer ?hasManufacturer
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasManufacturer)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasManufacturer ?hasManufacturer
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:ProductOrServiceModel .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasManufacturer)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasManufacturer ?hasManufacturer
  } UNION {
    ?object a gr:ProductOrServiceSomeInstancesPlaceholder .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasManufacturer)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasManufacturer ?hasManufacturer
# 12. hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek (1..*), count >= 1 is OK, check count < 1
    ?object a gr:OpeningHoursSpecification .
    FILTER (1 > (
      SELECT count(?hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek ?hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek
# 17. hasWarrantyScope (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:WarrantyPromise .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?hasWarrantyScope)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:hasWarrantyScope ?hasWarrantyScope
# 18. includes (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:Offering .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?includes)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:includes ?includes
# 19. includesObject (1..*), count >= 1 is OK, check count < 1
    ?object a gr:Offering .
    FILTER (1 > (
      SELECT count(?includesObject)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:includesObject ?includesObject
#23 isVariantOf(0..1) Domain? Range?, count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object ?pred ?range .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?isVariantOf)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:isVariantOf ?isVariantOf
# 27. seeks (0..1), count = 0 and count = 1 is OK, check count >= 2
    ?object a gr:BusinessEntity .
    FILTER (2 <= (
      SELECT count(?seeks)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:seeks ?seeks
# 28. typeOfGood (1..1), only count = 1 is OK, check count != 1
    ?object a gr:TypeAndQuantityNode .
    FILTER (1 != (
      SELECT count(?typeOfGood)
      WHERE {
          ?object gr:typeOfGood ?typeOfGood