GRValidator Implemented E3

Error 3

E3: Check that priceSpecifications are non-overlapping in terms of quantity. i.e. None ranges min-max values in price specifications are include in others

Note: This validation must be done before E4

Validator Tool: Step # 3

Error Message

None ranges min-max values in price specifications are include in others

Potential Problem

One offering (gr:Offering) can include more than one price specification. Prices specifications can include price intervals using the gr:hasMinCurrencyValue - gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue properties. Care must be taken that price ranges in price specifications for the same offering do not overlapp to each other.

Examples of Wrong Data** **

@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix toy: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:imports <> ,
        <> .
<> rdf:type gr:Offering .
<> rdf:type gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
    gr:hasMinCurrencyValue "300.0"^^<> ;
    gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue "450.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
    gr:hasMinCurrencyValue "100.0"^^<> ;
    gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue "400.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .
<> rdf:type gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification ;
    gr:hasMinCurrencyValue "100.0"^^<> ;
    gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue "400.0"^^<> .
<> gr:hasPriceSpecification
<> .


PREFIX gr:<>

#domain: Offering, objectProperty: hasPriceSpecification, range: PriceSpecification
#domain: PriceSpecification, dataProperties: hasMinCurrencyValue, hasMaxCurrencyValue, range: float

    #Get prices
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec .
    ?priceSpec a gr:PriceSpecification .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max .
    # Get the prices for each ?offering again
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec1 .
    ?priceSpec1 a gr:PriceSpecification .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min1 .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max1 .
    # Filter same priceSpec (no sense to compare to itself)
    FILTER ( ?priceSpec != ?priceSpec1 )
    # Test for overlapping ranges
    FILTER (
      ( ( ?min <= ?max1 ) && ( ?max1 <= ?max ) ) ||
      ( ( ?min <= ?min1 ) && ( ?min1 <= ?max ) )
  } UNION {#UnitPriceSpecification
    #Get prices
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec .
    ?priceSpec a gr:UnitPriceSpecification .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max .
    # Get the prices for each ?offering again
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec1 .
    ?priceSpec1 a gr:UnitPriceSpecification .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min1 .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max1 .
    # Filter same priceSpec (no sense to compare to itself)
    FILTER ( ?priceSpec != ?priceSpec1 )
    # Test for overlapping ranges
    FILTER (
      ( ( ?min <= ?max1 ) && ( ?max1 <= ?max ) ) ||
      ( ( ?min <= ?min1 ) && ( ?min1 <= ?max ) )
  } UNION {#DeliveryChargeSpecification
    #Get prices
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec .
    ?priceSpec a gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max .
    # Get the prices for each ?offering again
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec1 .
    ?priceSpec1 a gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min1 .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max1 .
    # Filter same priceSpec (no sense to compare to itself)
    FILTER ( ?priceSpec != ?priceSpec1 )
    # Test for overlapping ranges
    FILTER (
      ( ( ?min <= ?max1 ) && ( ?max1 <= ?max ) ) ||
      ( ( ?min <= ?min1 ) && ( ?min1 <= ?max ) )
  } UNION {#PaymentChargeSpecification
    #Get prices
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec .
    ?priceSpec a gr:PaymentChargeSpecification .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min .
    ?priceSpec gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max .
    # Get the prices for each ?offering again
    ?offering gr:hasPriceSpecification ?priceSpec1 .
    ?priceSpec1 a gr:PaymentChargeSpecification .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMinCurrencyValue ?min1 .
    ?priceSpec1 gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue ?max1 .
    # Filter same priceSpec (no sense to compare to itself)
    FILTER ( ?priceSpec != ?priceSpec1 )
    # Test for overlapping ranges
    FILTER (
      ( ( ?min <= ?max1 ) && ( ?max1 <= ?max ) ) ||
      ( ( ?min <= ?min1 ) && ( ?min1 <= ?max ) )
 ORDER BY ?offering