GRValidator Implemented E9

Error 9

E9: Check that the opening hour is earlier than the closing hour.

Validator Tool: Step # 11

Error Message

Invalid validity interval for opening hours (gr:opens and gr:closes make no sense).

Potential Problem

One business entity (gr:BusinessEntity) can include provision locations with more than one opening hour specification. Opening hour specifications can include open-close intervals using the gr:opens - gr:closes properties. Care must be taken that for all open-close ranges in opening hour specifications gr:opens is less or equal than gr:closes.

Examples of Wrong Data

@prefix foo: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix vcard: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix gr: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
foo:myCompany rdf:type gr:BusinessEntity ;
    gr:legalName "Hepp's Bagel Bakery Ltd. "^^<> ;
    vcard:fn "Hepp's Bagel Bakery Ltd. "@en .
foo:myShop rdf:type gr:LocationOfSalesOrServiceProvisioning ;
    vcard:adr foo:address ;
    vcard:tel "+49-89-6004-4217"^^<> .
foo:Monday rdf:type gr:OpeningHoursSpecification ;
    gr:opens "18:00:00"^^<> ;
    gr:closes "08:00:00"^^<> ;
    gr:hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek gr:Monday .
foo:myShop gr:hasOpeningHourSpecification foo:Monday .
foo:myCompany gr:hasPOS foo:myShop ;
    rdfs:seeAlso <> .
foo:address rdf:type vcard:Address ;
    vcard:country-name "Germany"@en ;
    vcard:locality "Neubiberg"@en ;
    vcard:postal-code "85577"^^<> ;
    vcard:region "Bavaria"@en ;
    vcard:street-address "1234 Hepp Road"@en .
foo:myCompany vcard:adr foo:address ;
    vcard:tel "+49-89-6004-0"^^<> ;
    vcard:url <> .


PREFIX gr:<>

  ?o a gr:OpeningHoursSpecification .
  ?o gr:opens ?from .
  ?o gr:closes ?through .
  FILTER (str(?from) > str(?through))