
Lecture: Semantic Web

Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Resources and Their Identification on the World Wide Web

Lecture 3: From Knowledge Organization Systems to Ontologies (pdf - one slide per page, 4,3MB)

Lecture 4: Ontological Engineering, OntoNaviERP, WordNet

Lecture 5: Ontology Economics

‎Lecture 6: The GoodRelations Ontology: Semantic Web-based E-Commerce

Lecture 7: Accessing and Managing RDF Data: Storage, Reasoning, and Query Languages

Lecture 8: The Web Ontology Language OWL (see http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/ and http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-guide/)

‎Lecture 9: Semantic Web Services

‎Lecture 10: RDFa and GoodRelations

Lecture 11: Exam Review


The exam will take place in room 36/1134 on February 10, 2009, from 10:00 - 12:00.

Please check the StudyGuideSWE Study Guide for your preparation for the exam.


This section will contain materials for the tutorial complementing the lecture.

Tutorial 1 (pdf - one slide per page, 479KB)
Tutorial 2 (pdf - one slide per page, 355KB)
Tutorial 3 (not available as announced)
Tutorial 4 (not available as announced, see Lecture 4)
Tutorial 5 (pdf - one slide per page, 176KB)
Tutorial 6 (pdf - one slide per page, 189KB) New version! (13.11.08)
      "Autohaus" example in OWL: MyAutohaus.owl
Tutorial 7 (pdf - one slide per page, 393KB)
Tutorial 8 (pdf - one slide per page, 223KB)
Tutorial 9 (pdf - one slide per page, 568 KB)
Tutorial 10 (not available as announced, see Lecture 10)


2008-10-21: Ab sofort findet das Tutorial von 11:30 - 12:15 Uhr im Geb. 36 / Gruppenraum 1134 statt.

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